Nationwide Fraud Listings Information

BurksGroup Nationwide

Fraud Listings Database

Have you been notified that you in the Nationwide Fraud Listings Database?

The Nationwide Fraud Listing Services are to identify individuals or companies who have failed to pay for tow or other roadside assistance services through fraudulent means. These individuals or companies are listed in the database until all monies owed for the services rendered have been paid to the service provider, no matter what city, county, or state they reside or conduct business in.

 MOTTO: Pay our members their fees and we will tow or service you again!

The primary objective of the BurksGroup Enterprise LLC fraud listing service is to aid honest and community-oriented towing companies and

owner-operators monies owed them for services rendered.

Some factors of Fraud*:

One of the most common types of fraud is defined as ‘friendly and chargeback fraud’ resulting from the use of credit cards during manual entry processing.  When a consumer files a dispute of the transaction with their bank and starts a chargeback process to secure the return of payment. 

Examples of two fraudulent practices:

  • Credit card transaction fraud is a point of concern for tow truck owners/operators, especially when they have documented the transaction, but the consumer fails to read the print at the time of the service. It becomes exceedingly difficult to prevent fraudulent chargeback when procedures favor the consumer. EMV liability, involving credit card chips, shifts the loss to you when you fail to secure an EMV Level 3 certified credit card machine or reader. Your non-refundable or indemnification clause policies and documentation of the consumer's signature are helpful only in court, not with the bank or merchant processor.

  • Deceptive practices, failure to show, abandoning the vehicle, fleeing from destination area after service rendered, identity theft, robbery, etc. are other types of fraudulent practices.

*Late payments from a company or business do not constitute fraud with this program.

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